Credit Union Insurance Information Request

Your credit union and your members deserve close attention. As your Insurance Center, Freimark and Associates delivers more than just insurance. We deliver service and personal attention to guide you through the challenges and complexities of insurance tracking, administration and claim management. We can offer the same level of service with our Credit Insurance, GAP Protection, Direct-mail Programs and more.

Experience why so many credit unions stay with Freimark and Associates, Inc.

Freimark and Associates strives to maintain the responsiveness and service of a local operation while being able to deliver the technological features and benefits of the largest, national agencies and carriers.

Please complete the fields to the left. We will contact you to answer questions about your current program and offer solutions to fulfill your current and future needs.

Phone:     ext:
Financial Institution:  
I would like information about:
Current Provider:
Approximate # of Collateralized Loans:
I would also like information about:
